One Person Can Make A Difference

This story was written by the Communications Dept. at Algoma University, and was published in the June 2010 issue of the Anishinabek News (page 22). “Each month the Anishinabek News is distributed compliments of the Union of Ontario Indians to citizens of the Anishinabek Nation.  It is also circulated to universities, colleges, friendship and health centres, First Nations across Canada, and by individual subscriptions both nationally and internationally.” You might see your name or group in the article. I wanted to mention you all by name, but we would have needed a bigger paper to fit you all in; cause there are a pile of you doing water work! Miigwech. Check it out!

One Person Can Make A Difference 1-pg PDFAnishinabek News June 2010

Anishinabek News, June 2010 24-pg PDF

Link to Anishinabek News:

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