Archive for the ‘Mother Earth Water Walk’ Category

Mississippi River Water Walk 2013 underway!

Monday, March 4th, 2013

Mississippi River Water Walk 2013 started on Friday, March 1!

Here is a copy of their tentative schedule.

Lead walker Sharon Day and Eagle Staff Carrier.

LIVE gps map… updates every 10 minutes.


Sample map: Day 4 beings.

Please keep up to date with them by joining their facebook group:  Mississippi River Water Walk 2013

If you have a day or a few days they need walkers and staff carriers. Please contact:

Sharon Day, Lead Walker, by email at or make contact via their facebook page.

Miigwech Water Walkers! Stay warm in the north and cool in the south and safe the whole route!


SCREENING: Mother Earth Water Walk 2011 documentary

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

Please join us at the screening!

Filmmaker Jeff Bear from UrbanRez Productions of B.C. is flying in with the film. Mother Earth Water Walker, Nokomis Josephine Mandamin will be here.

We are very pleased that Jeff Bear is coming all the way to the Sault for this screening. During the 2011 walk, the Central Communications Post was on this campus at Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig. Many of our students participated in the water walk, and many of them, including Josephine will be graduating this June.

Everyone is welcome.

DATE: Thursday, May 24, 2012

TIME: Doors open 7pm, things get underway at 7:30pm.

PLACE: Great West Life Amphitheatre, Algoma University, 1520 Queen Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON



There is no admission fee but donations towards the Lake Nipigon journey are welcome.

The poster is below.

Miigwech. See you there.


MEWW POSTER for SCREENING, Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sneak Peak:

Lake Nipigon Water Walk 2012

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Posted for Nokomis Josephine Mandamin, Mother Earth Water Walker

April 24, 2012, at Rocky Bay, the water will be lifted after the Offerings are made to the sacred waters. This will be approximately at 8 am, although the morning Tobacco and Pipe Offering will have been made prior to the lifting of the water.  We will then proceed on Hwy 11 towards Nipigon, Ontario.

Over the past year we have honored the sacred waters of Lake Nipigon with three offerings: the first was in the summer at the mouth of Lake Superior where the Nipigon River flows, then over the winter a big Bundle Offering was presented to the Spirits, and then this winter (new year), another bundle was offered to the ice water at Rocky Bay. On April 24th will be the fourth offering.

Those that want to join us are asked to bring good and happy energy. Not everyone will be able to carry the water and staff all the way through because of the shortage of boats. We do not have extra skirts so women are asked to wear/bring their own skirts.

Contact will be through or website or email for now:

More information will be shared as we receive more.


Maude Barlow to Water Walkers + Right to Water

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

Maude’s statement to Mother Earth Water Walkers

Council of Canadians Submission – Right to Water

On May 20th, 2011, the Mother Earth Water Walkers  stopped at Victoria Island for the day. Emma Lui, Council of Canadians, shared a statement prepared by Maude Barlow.

Chi miigwech to Francine Payer and Irving Leblanc from the AFN for coordinating the event.

Photo: Emma Lui, Council of Canadians.

Victoria Island, Ottawa, Ontario, May 20th, 2011, 10am-2pm

Photos by Joanne Lamoureaux

Josephine Mandamin Week 1 completed – TRAILER

Friday, April 15th, 2011


I’m so happy to be posting this. Jeff Bear from Urbanrez Productions is sharing the Send Off from the west. You may know Jeff’s work… and his Samaqan: Water Stories that show on APTN.

I’ve included his letter. In a short time he seems to have caught on to Josephine. lol

My heart is full watching this Jeff. I believe you have captured the spirit of the water walk.

Jeff is looking for feedback and would like us all to spread the word.

Chi miigwech Jeff and crew for this work, and esp. for carrying the staff for our women and the water.
Joanne Robertson, Misko Anungo Kwe, Migizi Clan
Coordinator, Central Communications Post, Water Walk 2011  facebook: Water Walk 2011

Hello Water Friends and my sister Shirley,
Please use this link below to see part of Josephine’s first leg of Water Walk 2011. The walk began on an overcast day that was accented by intermittent showers. There was, however, not nearly enough precipitation to dull the day brightened by the warmth and beauty of Josephine’s words, prayers, songs and sense of humor. When no one was looking but the sneakiest camera in the crowd, Josephine filled up her pale and with a gentle push walked up a steep hill in the first few steps her longest water walk yet. People were still eating, and all but a few realised that the walk was on. From that point on we couldn’t keep up to her. We chased her for a day and finally around day two we were keeping ahead of her. But it took a Suburban and a Subaru to do so. On Day three our Maori crew member was invited to carry the eagle staff and all the boys wanted in. So we all carried the Eagle for a few hundred ceremonial steps. It felt awesome to be included.
Let me just express a big thanks for all those who have helped us get this far with the story. I owe it almost all to Josephine, though, for trusting us and having faith that we would get it right. A Big thanks to Tina and Delbert for generosity, time and Delbert’s great composition and clip used in the trailer.
I hope you enjoy the glimpse and feel free to offer feedback or spread the word.

The link

Mother Earth Water Walks need immediate help in Washington!

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011


I just posted this on facebook:
Good morning! I got a telephone message made at 4:30 this morning from Grandmother Josephine Mandamin. They need our help!  Josephine needs me to call them and tell them that they have support walkers and staff carriers coming… and i know of no one that has stood up to do this, so I haven’t called her… yet… please answer Nokomis’ call for more walkers and staff carriers… there are only the 3 of them now, herself, Shelley and Sylvia. There are 1163 members on the facebook list, if we all email or call a relative in the west we can get them the help they need… if you can’t walk, maybe you can drive someone there that can… they have recently turned off Hwy 508 onto Cinebar Rd not far from Ike Kinswa State Park in Washington. They walk the equivalent of a marathon everyday! I want to call Josephine and tell her that help is on the way… spread the word, make the phonecalls. Miigwech.

Josephine had a frantic week prior to hitting the road… the OPSEU convention in Toronto, jet lag, and exams and papers due for univeristy… two of which she finished in Olympia, Washington and emailed in… It’s my guess she might be a little pooped… and she would never complain about it… but she telephoned me this morning, something we were going to reserve for emergencies…. she will walk through her tiredness for the water… can we make some phone calls to people in the west that might be near where they currently are ( click on line under map that read “Click here to see where they are right now” via GPS tracking).

I will probably beg for help for the walkers that carry the water, many times through this walk… but this will probably be the hardest part of the walk, because the word isn’t out yet…

Please email me if you or someone you know is heading to Cinebar Road to walk with the women. I want to make that phone call back to the walkers with the good news.

Josephine Mandamin, Shelley Essaunce, Sylvia Plain and the Water, need to know that help is on the way.

Joanne Robertson, Migizi Clan
Coordinator, Central Communications Post, Water Walk 2011
Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig, Sault Ste. Marie, ON  Facebook: Water Walk 2011

ni guh Izhi chigay nibi onji
I will do it for the water.
Lo voy a hacer por el agua.
Je le ferai pour l”eau.