Archive for the ‘North’ Category

Water Walk 2011

Monday, January 31st, 2011

NORTH SCHEDULE, subject to change (Updated January 31, 2011)

May 21         Churchill, Manitoba send off. (train departs 7:30pm)

May 23         Winnipeg, Manitoba (trains arrives 4:45pm)

May 24         Richer, Manitoba

May 25         Hadashville, Manitoba

May 26         Falcon Lake,

May 27         Royal Lake

May 28         Kenora, Ontario

May 29         Sioux Narrows

May 30         Nestor Falls

June 1          Manitou Rapids, International Falls

June 7          Duluth, Minnesota

June 10        Bad River, Wisconsin

20 overnights

More information:

Facebook: Water Walk 2011

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